Organizational Culture
How to Create a VIBRANT CULTURE in Uncertain Times
Based on concepts in Jack Pachuta's book, the program focuses on the organizational structures which are key to the implementation of a vibrant organization, promoting buy-ins to far-reaching initiatives.
Organizational Players
Much as the players in a theatrical performance, people determine how they will cope within the structure by exhibiting the traits inherent in one of six roles. Learn how to categorize these players and determine how their attitudes affect the organization.
How Companies Evolve
Over time, all organizations change. By tracking a company's past, predictions can be made about its future. Learn how to understand the trends that exist within organizations, determining how they affect current operations, then making logical plans for growth and new opportunities.
Organizational Structures
Structures develop based upon the attitudes and beliefs of the people who hold power within organizations. Learn to recognize the clues providing insights to internal functioning.
Organizational Cultures
The culture of an organization can be categorized in one of three ways, each culture having its own philosophy and operational methods. Learn to understand corporate culture and its impact on the organization.
Mission and Vision
Without a realistic, goal-driven mission, a company cannot have a vision. Without the correct vision, the organization will not be successful. Learn what they are and why both are necessary.
Motivational Climates
Within the organization, a climate exists which determines how individuals are treated and attitudes formed. Learn how culture affects motivation.
Effective Organizational Concepts
To instill a common mission and vision throughout the organization, certain essential concepts must be grasped and viewed as the norm. Learn what the "gurus" say about successful programs and find out how their ideas can become part of daily operations.
Prescriptions for Improvement
Once a commitment for improvement is made, enabling the culture to be more receptive to new ideas, an organization must develop a cohesive plan. Learn to follow a list of prescriptions that improves the environment in which change is implemented.
Personal Action Plan
Any program is only as good as the results it produces. Learn to develop personal action plans which will be used to chart individual actions and results.
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